Things tagged 'potholes'

limited to the area of Solihull Bicycle Campaign:

2 issues found for 'potholes':

  • Narrow shared-use path

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    The shared-use path between Union Road and Grove Road is only wide enough for two people walking side by side and is frequently used by pedestrians, effectively designing in conflict. The path surface itself is also heavily damaged by weathering and tree roots and makes for a rather uncomfortable ride.
    This route would benefit significantly from widening and resurfacing. There is a stretch of grassy bank on the east side of the fence that could be appropriated from the Hospital to create this additional space.

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  • Towpath Potholed

    Created by Cook // 1 thread

    The Grand Union canal towpath from Lincoln Road, Olton to Catherine de Barnes is full of potholes and becomes full of mud and puddles when it rains. The alternative is the busy Warwick Rd or Coventry Rd. This is the only off road route from Solihull to Birmingham so is suitable for families and young children.

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11 threads found for 'potholes':

No planning applications found for 'potholes'.

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